Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Praise God that we do not have to face uncertain death because: My salvation has been provided (Genesis 22:11–14).

The die was cast. The knife was raised. He probably closed his eyes and braced himself. And then the angel of the Lord spoke up, told Abraham to hold off, and the next thing you know, a ram appeared, tangled in a bush nearby.  A ram. A sacrificial animal. A substitute.

And Isaac was saved. Do you know that’s your story, too?

You may not be physically bound, hand and foot, but like all of us,

you know what it’s like to be tied up in knots. You know the shackles of sin.  

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23, NIV).

But your story doesn’t end there, because just as he did for Isaac, God provided salvation for you … a substitute. A Lamb.

That’s what John the Baptist meant when he saw Jesus by the Jordan River, and announced to everyone: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

God provided a Lamb for all of us. For me. For you.

What kind of response would be appropriate for you today?

Be wise today and always - say yes to Jesus today.