This week we will begin a
month long journey through the Bible. In it we will witness man’s existence
from creation to the end of time. Two things have always been consistent:
There will be
strugglesThere will be God
People have had it hard.
Sometimes the hardships were of their own doing and other times it was forced
upon them, but God was there to see them through it.
Noah lived in a world
saturated with sin and evilness.
God’s chosen people were
enslaved in Egypt .
David faced a giant named
400 years went by without a
fresh Word from God.
The Roman army took control
over the Holy Land .
Jesus was betrayed and put to
death on a cross.
The disciples were tortured,
put to death, or imprisoned.
But God: created a new world
after the flood and saved Noah’s family.
He sent a deliver named Moses
that set His people free.
The Lord gave power to the
boy with a slingshot that beat the giant.
He restored Israel back to
their homeland.
God sent His one and only
begotten Son to overcome the world.
He created a new covenant for
all people with His blood.
Jesus overcame death and rose
from the grave!
The church continues to grow
in spite of adversity.
Bad things happen in life,
but God will see His people through them. Every believer has new hope! Having
God’s hope for eternity will give you hope in this life.