Monday, March 31, 2014

Setting Goals in Faith

Some of you have asked if I would post the notes from the Goal Setting video from last Wednesday. Please spend time contemplating and praying about these ideas from The Daniel Plan.


1.   Goal setting is a spiritual discipline.
      “God plans to bring all of history to its goal in Christ. Then Christ will be the head of everything in heaven and on earth!” Eph.1:10 (GW)

2.   Goals focus my energy.
      “I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something—not just the air.”      1 Cor. 9:26 (NCV)
      “Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days.” Eph. 5:16 (NLT)

3.   Goals stretch my faith.
       “According to your faith will it be done to you.” Matt. 9:29
      “Everything that does not come from faith is sin.” Rom.14:23

4. Goals build my character.
      Paul: “I do not claim that I’ve already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving toward the goal for which Christ Jesus has won me to himself.” Phil. 3:12 (TEV)
      “Then we will be mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him.” Eph. 4:13 (CEV)

5.   Goals give me hope.
      Job: “I do not have the strength to endure. I do not have a goal that encourages me to carry on.” Job 6:11 (NLT)
      “The plans I have for you are plans to prosper you, not to harm you. They are plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11 (NIV) 

I hope you are encouraged to do something to make your life healthier and happier. God desires you to be your best, and will help you. I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today, and set some goals. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

God Cares

God cares deeply about your mental and emotional health and restoration. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 says,  Our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and a good hope. May he encourage your hearts and give you strength in every good thing you do or say.

God's love and grace is offered to everyone. Through these wonderful gifts you can find encouragement, strength, comfort, and hope for today and eternity. His focus in our lives can be applied to everything we think, do, or say. God's way not our way is the best way!

For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline.- 2 Timothy 1:7 

My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit. Then you won’t feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why don’t you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence? - Galatians 5:16-18 (MSG)

Follow God's Word and plan for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Jesus promises, I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17  Change your life today. Strive for the focus God desires for you to have. 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


The first element of the Daniel Plan that I read was on Focus. Clarity of mind is so important. No more brain fogs, sadness, depression, or feeling doomed to mental disorders! Doesn't that sound awesome? With God all things are possible. The problem is that we want short cuts and to do things our own way.

Recently I saw a commercial that asked, What is focus? Focus is having absolute clarity and alertness. Owning your opponent. Knowing you got this! Keeping your eye on the ball, and hitting it out of the park. Own the zone, on target, and on your toes. On top staring the world in the face saying bring it on! Focus is power. Focus is life... It was a commercial for an energy drink! 

Romans 12:2 says, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Be about doing life God's way and under His leadership. Know, obey, and believe in His promises.

Philippians 2:13 - For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Ephesians 3:16 -  I ask that he will strengthen you in your inner selves from the riches of his glory through the Spirit. (CEB)
Philippians 4:8 - From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise.

Follow God's Word and plan for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Jesus promises, I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17  Change your life today. Strive for the focus God desires for you to have. 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Who Is Your King?

You cannot make life changes without first realizing who you serve. Bob Dylan wrote a song about all different kinds of people, choices, and lifestyles and makes a point that is true about everyone. The chorus says,  But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed, You're gonna have to serve somebody, It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you're gonna have to serve somebody. "Gotta Serve Somebody"

So in other words, Who is your King?

What or who controls your actions, moods, and thoughts? The Bible makes it clear who your King should be. Jesus asked the disciples,  When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. —Matthew 16:13-17

God reveals through Peter, Jesus' identity and made sure every one heard it. Later on in Jesus' earthly ministry He exposes the truth about His identity.

“You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.—John 8:57–59

In the final days prior to Jesus’ death, He made it clear—even before the Jewish “supreme court”—just who He was: Then the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus said, “I Am…” —Mark 14:61–62 

We must have this part right before addressing our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Make Jesus your King. He promises, I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 
Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wanted: Real Friends

Everyone needs encouragement. A friend who will hold you accountable but will also be your cheerleader. The problem for many of us is where to find someone like that. Christ followers have Jesus, who is closer than a brother, but at time we need "Jesus with skin" on in our lives. I've used this phrase for a long time as a reminder that we need to be, act, speak, love, care, and bear witness to the world as Christ's ambassador. We represent His kingdom and plan to the world, and He has given us all we need. So if we were to make a list for a friend it should start out; 
1. Loves Jesus. 
2. Loves me like Jesus. 
3. Encourages me like Jesus. 
4. Guide and hold me responsible for my actions like Jesus.

Look at Hebrews 12:1-3: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

These verses are a great reminder of key elements in any recovery and healing plan: Get rid of things that hold you back, sin that's not repented, and keep trying - staying focused on Christ through it all. Do not grow weary and loose heart - God is on your side! 

Whenever you start a new lifestyle plan make sure your foundation is secure (in Jesus) and you have the support to keep going (friends). You can be emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy.

I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Goal Setting

Goal setting is so important. The changes I have made in my life could not have been accomplished without them. Now before you check out on me consider this: all goals must be attainable. If not they are just "pie in the sky" and will make you frustrated. By following the Daniel Plan I set some goals early on.

Here are six that I started with:
1. Eat more healthy foods and cut out junk food.
2. Do some sort of exercise every day. (Take more steps, stretch, light weights, etc.)
3. Drink more water. (also herbal teas and hot fresh lemon water are great)
4. Laugh more (I like funny squirrel photos).
5. Take supplements for stress and anxiety. (Recommended in the book) 
6. Share how I am doing every day with someone. (with my spouse or a friend)

The results have been nothing short of a miracle. Please watch my video on goal setting:

I hope you are encouraged to do something to make your life healthier and happier. God desires you to be your best, and will help you. I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today, and set some goals. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Go and Tell

I find it very interesting on how my journey with The Daniel Plan has opened conversations with people who are resistant to the Gospel. They will freely talk about diet, clarity of mind and diet. I've been trying to witness to someone at my Dr.’s office for a couple of years. Last week I went in and she asked me if I lost weight, and that I had a “healthy” glow. Then she asked the question, “What kind of plan or diet are you on?” I explained I was on a new life-style plan that included exercise, a diet change, and helping my outlook on things. We went on to talk about specifics then I told her the name of the plan. She asked, “Who is Daniel?” That is the open door that we need to pray for. Let someone ask the question then be ready to share God’s great plan for their life.

Telling people about Jesus has been part of the plan from the very beginning. Mary, a friend and follower of Jesus, was the first to see Him after He rose from the dead. Jesus said to her, “Mary.”She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her. John 20:16-18

In other words, “Now that you know the truth, Go and tell”. I love a simple plan. Don’t you? What part do you think you’re supposed to play in God’s plan today?
Is your life in a place where you can fully embrace God’s plan today and play your part? If not, what steps do you need to take? Take time today to do business with God, and get on His plan.

Begin looking forward today with a new plan for your life. God promises, But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Going Forward

If you’re in any way stuck in the past, there are people around you who might suffer from you not being fully present. The past is good to remember and reminisce about but focus on the present.  You can’t go forward very far driving a car if you’re looking in the year view mirror! Jesus has the best plan to move us ahead.

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” - John 4:13-14What does this speak to you about Jesus’ desire for your life?

We recently cleaned out a lot of stuff from the church basement. In fact we ended up with a large dumpster load! Over the years things just accumulate; they don’t work anymore, stuff breaks down, get outdated, we just have no use for them, and they take up space that could be used for something else.

We need to do that with our lives as well. Clean out junk; bad habits, unrepented sins, unhealthy lifestyles, and wrong ways of thinking. It should be replaced with Godly restorative and healthy behaviors and actions. It can start today. Are you willing?

Begin looking forward today with a new plan for your life. God promises, But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Good Change Can Happen

Do you believe God has provided you with everything you need in your lives today? If so, why do you think so many of us still tend to look to the past for how we would like things to be? This tends to happen with our whole life experience -looking back and not ahead. This kind of thinking was going on with the Disciples. Jesus called it lack of faith, and commanded them to go forward in their lives sharing the good news.
Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  - Mark 16:14-15

Jesus was telling the Disciples (and us), “That life will not be the same (after encountering the risen Savior), there are new tasks to do” When you accept Christ in to your life your changed forever. Not just for eternity but from that day forward. Do you see positive changes in your life over time?

God desires us to be growing and maturing in our faith, health, and emotional outlook. He wants us to be all in and fully engaged with our relationship with Him. Have you done any emotional, spiritual, physical, mental, and health checks recently? It starts by being honest with God and yourself.

What kind of consequences do you think it could have by not being “fully engaged” with being right and well with God?  Begin today with a new plan for your life. God promises, But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Change Today

No one really likes change, but change is a part of life that we should more readily embrace. Consider how things changed in the account of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene after He rose from the dead.  Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb  and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.  They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.  He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”  Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).  Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”John 20:11-17

Jesus was telling Mary, Don’t hold on, things are going to be different”. Life as she knew it was changed forever.

Do you ever find yourself trying to make your life how it used to be, only to find out that you really couldn't? God desires us to grow in our faith every day. He wants us to have "right" minds, bodies, and hearts to glorify Him. Our focus should be on the truth of God's Word and apply it to our lives.

Does your life today look anything like you would have imagined it 5, 10, or 20 years ago? Is there some things you would like to see changed? Many of us feel that change is impossible, but Jesus said, All things are possible with God. Don't give up. Turn your wants, needs, and cares to Him. He is able! Begin today with a new plan for your life. God promises, But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Change your life today. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just Another Day

If you have ever had a busy day (when life comes at you fast) you will relate to the day I had. Got up from bed, exercised, did my devotions, showered, shaved, dressed, had breakfast at my house with nine guys from the mission team, cleaned up, helped prepare for their work projects, checked phones at the office for messages, checked three different email accounts, counseled with two different people with abuse issues, marriage counseling, consoled one man whose friend just died, led a small group of 15 (on suffering!), communicated with family in Ohio about my Mom's surgery that morning, met with more church members (who had ideas about what could do), checked on lunch plans for the group working at the church, got updates on some property issues, left for a dental appointment, and more... All before noon.

The Bible says, The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. - Psalm 118:24 This verse doesn't stipulate what kind of day you feel you're having, because every day the Lord has made should make us rejoice. This doesn't mean that we should hide our feelings, but we should always filter them through eyes of Jesus. 

Jesus says in His model prayer, Give us today our daily bread. - Matthew 6:11. The focus should not be on the bread but on today. Meals will come again, but this day will never be repeated. We need to make the most of every day, and not get caught up on the busyness or drama of it. We need to be living a healthy and Christ honoring lifestyle every day. With a stronger faith, heart, body, and mind you will be able to get through days like I had today.

Ask for the mind, eyes, and heart of Christ. His desire is for you to be complete - mind, body, and soul this day and every dayBut I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Good for You

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was talking about how you respond the first four words of the Bible shapes your worldview? In the beginning God... If your worldview is that you believe in Him let me point out a few other things that are mentioned in first book of the Bible. During the creation process  it is mentioned several times after God completes his work for the day. He look at it and said it was good. Heaven and eternity are beyond our comprehension of how good it will be.

His beginning and ending plans are very good! The Lord desires good things for His people. The only thing that stops it is His people! God is good - All the time is not just a catchy response in churches. It is good theology and truth. We need to do likewise and share God's goodness with His creation. That even includes mean people. It's our love for others that will make the world notice. Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Stop right now and honestly ask yourself - How can I show love in the name of Jesus to someone this week? Be willing to change the way you've always done it and let Jesus live through you. The world needs to see more of God's love.

Jesus can change your life - heart, mind, body, and soul. He wants only good things for you! Be proactive - seek and you will find. He can help you discern right from wrong. Ask and you will receive the breathe of life and be made whole. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lasting Change

What does it take to really change? We will be talking about changes across the board today: spiritual, relational, mental, physical, emotional, and more. If we are honest we'd confess the need for improvement and healing in most areas of our lives. We all need help from God’s gps (God’s Power SysteM).  It is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ. 

Please watch the teaching below from The Daniel Plan on: SIX PRINCIPLES FOR LASTING CHANGE.

Remember to have lasting change in your life it is is not something you need, but someone you really need. Receive Christ today it will change your life. 

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13

Be proactive - seek and you will find. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

God’s Answer to our Life Quest

I have been so excited about all the changes that have been happening to me through the Daniel Plan. It perplexes me why someone would not want to have a better life. Then I read an article recently that got me to thinking. Everyone is searching for something, but until they find Christ they can’t go forward for the best that God has in store for them. Consider these five prominent characteristics of what people are (on a quest) searching for, according to a recent study.

1. Meaningful relationships (that special someone)
2. Immediate gratification (not waiting or showing patience
3. Something for nothing (not willing to put in the time or effort to achieve goals)
4. Guilt-free living (not responsible)
 5. Search for prosperity (wanting security)

The answers to all five of these desires are found in the Bible.  In Jesus Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. – Ephesians 1:7 An offering to the world!

1. The Lord offers something Personal, In Jesus Christ (That’s God loving the world through Jesus in relationship with those who believe.)

2. The Lord offers something Present, we have redemption (It is for now and all eternity -“Christ in Me” – it cannot be any more personal than that.)

3. The Lord offers something that’s Provided, through His blood (It is free, no cost or condition, purchased by His blood)

4. The Lord offers something Profitable. The forgiveness of sins. (It’s like  the “east is from the west” illustration in Psalm 103 forever gone.)

5. The Lord offers us something purposeful, according to the riches of His grace. It’s not out of riches like me giving you a $1 from my wallet. Out of riches would be like giving you blank check !  It is all according to God’s rich supply of grace, mercy, love.

Your life quest is not something you need, but someone you really need. Receive it today it will change your life. Be proactive - seek and you will find. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Right from Wrong

Let me tell you from the start this will not be a "politically correct" blog. I believe truth is absolute and not relative. What is true remains the same yesterday, today, and in the future. Jesus said, He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life" and it's true.

When you are living and sharing the gospel you cannot compromise God's truth. Jesus and His Word are as true as it gets. I like this proclamation while holding your Bible, "This is the Word of God, and it is truth. It contains all I need to live for and learn of God. I am not ashamed of the Gospel and I will apply it to my life."

I recently was with a group of who said they personally believed biblically in something, but would not be comfortable in sharing it because it might offend someone. The last time I checked the gospel is offensive and divisive to those who are lost. Christ followers must be willing to take a stand on truth. God will make you able.

The church of Jesus Christ cannot remain lukewarm. It's time to be authentic, fired up, and ready to evangelize the world. Are you ready to change?

Jesus can change your life - heart, mind, body, and soul. Be proactive - seek and you will find. He can help you discern right from wrong. Ask and you will receive the breathe of life and be made whole. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Friends Show It

Have you ever been let down by people who you thought were your friends? I have, and it hurts. It makes you wonder if friends are worth the bother especially if they are not going to support you when you need them most. The fifth element of The Daniel Plan deals with friends. We all need people in our lives that will encourage us and be a positive influence.

When you are making life changes in your faith, diet, fitness, and with your mind you are going to need someone who will journey with you. That’s where the rubber meets the road and your talk and walk matches up. I am constantly amazed at how quick people can turn on you and not be supportive.

Within the body of Christ followers we are told to: “Share each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:6 I have my wife and a good friend that I work with who helps me obey this principle. We do not judge each other but keep each other accountable to God’s Word.

This model should be practiced by all believers. In fact Jesus says: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35

So we show Jesus to the world and our dedication to Him by how we love one another. Sounds like a habit worth forming. Doesn’t it?

Jesus can change your life - heart, mind, body, soul, and habits. Be proactive - seek and you will find. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Broken World

There will always be pain, suffering, and confusion in this broken world we live in. We are surrounded by sin, and even though we are redeemed it still will bring us heartache and brokenness. It is hard for us to change our lives and habits. The Daniel Plan has changed my life, but it started with a changed heart and mind. Many have told me that they can't (eat vegetables, exercise, clear their minds, cheer up, etc.), but I remind them that while they can't God can. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", Philippians 4:13 reminds us that it is Christ who heals and restores.

It is still a battle. Paul tells us in Romans chapter seven from the Message:

14-16 I can anticipate the response that is coming: “I know that all God’s commands are spiritual, but I’m not. Isn’t this also your experience?” Yes. I’m full of myself—after all, I’ve spent a long time in sin’s prison. What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.

Allow God's grace and forgiveness to work in your life. Pray for it right now.

17-20 But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can’t keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

Knowing you need help is the first step for recovery. Seeking and accepting help must follow in order to be well.

21-23 It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge. 24 I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? 25 The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.

Jesus is the answer! Allow His Spirit to change and rescue you. His promises are real and are there to receive. Will you accept them?

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. - Romans 8:14-17

Cry out to Jesus - you are one of His own. He will make you well.

But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dealing with Dry Bones

I love the Bible! It is an amazing book that is full of how to live life the way God intends for us. As a kid the story of the valley of dry bones always caught my attention (cool and creepy). As God has worked a miracle in my life of restoring my health and refocusing my mind I look at this passage with new eyes. 

Israel in their brokenness represents these bones but I believe we all have "dry bones" in our lives. As you read through, think of areas of your life that aren't functioning or dead. Maybe it's aches, pains, brain-fogs, tiredness, depression, obesity, anorexia, or just that gut feeling that something is not right. This Word is for you.

The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones.  He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry.  He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.
 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!  This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.  I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” Ezekiel 37:1-6

The promise of God's Word breathing life in to "dry bones" is still available to all who call on Jesus' name. What do you need to ask for today? Will you receive the life that God wants for you to have?

Jesus can change your life - heart, mind, body, and soul. Be proactive - seek and you will find. Ask and you will receive the breathe of life and be made whole. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Lifestyle Change

There are five elements of the Daniel Plan: Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends. It is not another fad diet! In fact the "Food" part of is found in the Bible - thousands of years old. It is a lifestyle change that most of us need. 

It starts when realize that your life needs restoration, and God wants to help you with it. For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord.Jeremiah 30:17 RSV

Allow the Holy Spirit and God's powerful Word to change you.

 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.  To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen
- 1 Peter 5:7-11 

Follow God's Word and plan for your life. Reread the above passage and pray how you need to apply to your life and situations today.

Jesus can change your life - heart, mind, body, and soul. Be proactive - seek and you will find. Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

God’s Prescription for Health

Today I want us to look at our physical health.  We’re going to study God’s prescription for physical health and what He has to say about our bodies. The truth is you already know a lot about what you should do, but we just don't apply it to our everyday lives. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 is the classic passage on the body. Please click the video link below to hear this teaching from The Daniel Plan.

Pastor Ty's Daniel Plan Experience: God's Prescription for My Health (Part 2) from First Baptist Church Red Bank NJ on Vimeo.

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord,.Jeremiah 30:17 RSV

Allow the Holy Spirit and God's powerful Word to change you. 

Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here