I have been so excited about all the
changes that have been happening to me through the Daniel Plan. It perplexes me
why someone would not want to have a better life. Then I read an article
recently that got me to thinking. Everyone is searching for something, but
until they find Christ they can’t go forward for the best that God has in store
for them. Consider these five prominent characteristics of what people are (on
a quest) searching for, according to a recent study.
1. Meaningful relationships (that
special someone)
2. Immediate gratification (not
waiting or showing patience
3. Something for nothing (not willing
to put in the time or effort to achieve goals)
4. Guilt-free living (not
5. Search for prosperity (wanting security)
The answers to all five of these
desires are found in the Bible. In Jesus Christ we have redemption through
His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. –
Ephesians 1:7 An offering to the world!
1. The Lord offers something Personal,
In Jesus Christ (That’s God loving the
world through Jesus in relationship with those who believe.)
2. The Lord offers something Present,
we have redemption (It is for now and all
eternity -“Christ in Me” – it cannot be any more personal than that.)
3. The Lord offers something that’s
Provided, through His blood (It is free,
no cost or condition, purchased by His blood)
4. The Lord offers something
Profitable. The forgiveness of sins.
(It’s like the “east is from the west” illustration
in Psalm 103 forever gone.)
5. The Lord offers us something
purposeful, according to the riches of
His grace. It’s not out of riches
like me giving you a $1 from my wallet. Out of riches would be like giving you blank
check ! It is all according to God’s rich
supply of grace, mercy, love.
Your life quest is not something you
need, but someone you really need. Receive
it today it will change your life. Be proactive - seek and you will find. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17
Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here
Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here