All of us can live in relationship with the truth. When Jesus told Thomas, “I am the … truth,” He wasn’t
primarily making a philosophical statement. He was making a personal statement.
It started with the word I.
A TV show spawned a catchphrase that became famous: “The truth is out there.” But according to Jesus, that’s not quite accurate. According to Jesus, the truth is not “out
there”…it’s “in here,” that is, in Him. Jesus’ answer to Thomas’
confusion was to define truth not as a concept, not as an idea, not even as a
principle, but as a person - Jesus Himself. The truth is found in
He did not say, “I believe in the truth.” He did not say, “I
know the truth.” He did not say, “I can show you the truth.” He said, “I am the
… truth.” He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” He said, “If you
hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”
Be wise - truth is only found in Jesus.