If you have ever had a busy day (when life comes at you fast) you will relate to the day I had. Got up from bed, exercised, did my devotions, showered, shaved, dressed, had breakfast at my house with nine guys from the mission team, cleaned up, helped prepare for their work projects, checked phones at the office for messages, checked three different email accounts, counseled with two different people with abuse issues, marriage counseling, consoled one man whose friend just died, led a small group of 15 (on suffering!), communicated with family in Ohio about my Mom's surgery that morning, met with more church members (who had ideas about what could do), checked on lunch plans for the group working at the church, got updates on some property issues, left for a dental appointment, and more... All before noon.
The Bible says, The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. - Psalm 118:24 This verse doesn't stipulate what kind of day you feel you're having, because every day the Lord has made should make us rejoice. This doesn't mean that we should hide our feelings, but we should always filter them through eyes of Jesus.
Jesus says in His model prayer, Give us today our daily bread. - Matthew 6:11. The focus should not be on the bread but on today. Meals will come again, but this day will never be repeated. We need to make the most of every day, and not get caught up on the busyness or drama of it. We need to be living a healthy and Christ honoring lifestyle every day. With a stronger faith, heart, body, and mind you will be able to get through days like I had today.
Ask for the mind, eyes, and heart of Christ. His desire is for you to be complete - mind, body, and soul this day and every day. But I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17
Read The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (full of God's Word) and check out the Daniel Plan Website Here