The church still has an audience to reach. We get confused about the message and the method of evangelism. The message is sacred (truth of the Gospel) but the method to share the Gospel to the world is not. You may have to
change your way of outreach to reach your community more effectively. Jesus said in Matthew
9:17: “No one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would
burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is
stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.” (NLT)
Often we’re too attached to those old wineskins to be the church God
calls us to be. We want God to do something new in our congregation, but we’re
not willing to make the changes to see that happen.
As a
Christ follower you can see there’s a need for change, particularly in being open to new ways of sharing Jesus. You and those in your faith community have to renew your relationship with God, with one another, and to God’s mission in your community before you’ll
ever see lasting change. After all is about us or the Lord - My way or His way?
Are you ready for God to do something new
in you midst?
I am praying for a change in order to bring revival to our churches, cities, states, country, and world. Amen?