Monday, September 29, 2014

There is Nothing Minor about Grace

In Hebrews 4:16 writes to God’s chosen people, Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence. So that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Today, Christ followers know that God’s Word is for them as well. Praise God for His magnificent grace during our times of need.
The last twelve books of the Old Testament are also written for God’s people and tells of His wonderful grace during troubled times. The writers are known as the Minor Prophets. These prophetic books are also known as the Twelve. They were written over a span of over 300 years, and were written during and after Israel’s exile. The first lesson will be on the book of Hosea, and we will end our study with Malachi.

During the next nine weeks you will be asked to do four
1. Read the book that we are focusing on before the study.
2. Attend or listen to the sermons.
3. Attend a small study group during the week to go deeper.
4. Pray and ask God what He wants you to do with what you just learned.

This Bible study will allow you to approach God with confidence. Accept his mercy and grace. It will change your life. You can track with us at  for sermons and small group materials. I will be daily blogging on the minor prophet we're studying each week. Read Hosea today and we'll study it deeper this week.