We are getting ready to start week three of our study of the Minor Prophets with our third prophet Amos. He was a regular guy, a farmer, who God chose to bring His message to the surrounding community. God wasn't happy with how they had violated His law and principles. This got me to thinking about what we've learned so far in this study. The take-away as they say. What message would we take to our community?
Well, mine would probably two-fold. 1. A message of hope! Regardless of how bad you have been God still loves you. If you are willing to repent and turn back to God and your back to worldly things you are in for a great life (and after-life). 2. Bad things happen! Trouble comes to the wicked and the righteous. We better make sure we are in the right relationship with God regardless of our circumstances. He's coming back soon. Be doing the things that will put a smile on His face, and quit complaining!
If we keep our focus vertical and not horizontal we will be in the proper position for a well lived life. Bad stuff happens in this life. I don't like it that my wife has cancer and is having major surgery this week. I know there is a lot of "I don't likes" out there. But you know what? We don't go through Valleys of Trouble or the shadow of Death alone.
Thank you Jesus for never leaving or forsaking us. We look to where our help comes from and lift up our voice in praise, glory and honor to our Deliverer and King! Praise Thank You for forgiving us and offering Your mercy, love, and great grace... always.