In the book of Jonah we read about one of the greatest revivals of all time, but Jonah was a reluctant evangelist. He was disobedient and tried to run away, but after a three day “fish trip” found himself doing what God had commanded. When God’s messengers brings forth the Word of God three things will occur, and true revival will break out.
First of all people Respond to the Gospel. Jonah’s message was simple and direct. He said God was going to destroy them because of their evilness. The response was immediate. “They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.” Our sin has separated us from God, and we are doomed unless we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Have you responded to God’s Word?
The second thing we see in revival is that people Repent of their sins. In Jonah’s time, the king declared a national time of fasting and repentance. They prayed for forgiveness, and that they would turn from their evil ways. Many people came with tears and brokenness before the Lord. They also prayed for forgiveness, and cleansing. God calls for His people to repent. Jesus said, “ Unless you repent, you too will perish.” When you have asked for forgiveness did you truly repent?
Salvation is complete when people are Reconciled to God. God saw what the Ninevites did and how they had turned from their evil ways. He had compassion, and did not destroy them. In 2 Corinthians, Paul tells us that we become a new creation when we accept God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are reconciled with God through Him. All believers are to be Christ’s ambassadors, and are given the ministry of reconciling man to God. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Where are you at in your relationship with God today?
As the body of Christ, let us continue to pray for revival in our lives, our families, our churches, our city, our country, and throughout the world. Amen?
As the body of Christ, let us continue to pray for revival in our lives, our families, our churches, our city, our country, and throughout the world. Amen?