We see a great teaching on the calling God has for each one of us in Amos 7:10-17. According to the Bible the Lord "calls" or summons people to do certain things. God calls and commands all people everywhere to repent and receive Christ, but it is a call to the individual. God personally and individually invites and commands each individual to accept the blessings of His redemption. This call is given outwardly by the gospel [2Thes. 2:14] and inwardly by the Holy Spirit [Rev. 22:17]. Those who refuse God's gracious call will be eternally held accountable for their refusal [John 12:48]. After one has answered the call to salvation and received Christ, God calls him to other callings which affect a believer’s attitude and conduct. He has called believers to "fellowship with Christ" [1Cor. 1:9], to "holiness" [1Thes. 4:7], to obedience, to "peace" [1Cor. 7:15], and to "virtue" [2Pet. 1:3]. Believers are to "walk worthy" of the calling they have received [Eph. 4:1]. But there is still another calling that is even more personal than the moral callings. It is God's call to the individual believer for a specific ministry. Regardless of your background He calls some to be teachers, evangelists, preachers, prophets, and for special service for His kingdom. God wants to use you! Seek His calling to take a stand and speak His truth to a country who needs it so badly. Amen?