Sunday, June 9, 2013

Head Answers

Today we'll continue to look at the God Question of Why is there evil? The truth is that God is not the creator of evil and suffering.

Some ask, Why didn’t God create a world where there was no suffering?
He Did! Remember the Garden of Eden?

 Man’s sin took that away. God gave us “free-choice”.  It is impossible to truly love unless you have a choice. God loves us that much.

There are two kinds of evil in this world. 

A. Man-made evil, where we do things that hurt others.

Some estimate that 95% of all the pain and suffering in this world is the result of things we do to each other. For instance, we see pictures of a famine the world and we say to ourselves, “How could God allow that?” And yet every year we produce enough food on the planet to feed every man, woman, boy and girl 3,000 calories a day.

It’s not fair to blame God for our negligence

B. Natural evil. Things like earthquakes and tornadoes and outbreaks of disease and such.

And as odd as it sounds initially, natural evil is a result of sin having been allowed in the world through free choice as well. One author put it this way:

When we humans told God to shove off, He partially honored our request. Nature was cursed. Genetic breakdown and disease began. Pain and death became part of the human experience.

Be wise today and always - realize love and salvation are found only in Christ.